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Review Gin Ur Way UK 93/100.
@gin_secret_d_alost is one of the latest new Belgians gin on the market and its definitely one I have to recommend.
If you are into juniper-forward gin this is one you have to have in your collection.
But it hasn't only a high amount of juniper but also fresh fruit and this in combination with some floral savoury.
This marvellous complex gin scores a nice shiny golden 93/100 @ginurwaymedals, so in my opinion its one to order.
Cheers for now and may the gin be with you!

Secret d’Alost
"Muted aromas of fresh ginger. Floral notes and smooth creamy palate. Stem ginger and juniper. Lemon curd. Intensity on the palate and a medium length finish."
